What is Time of Flight (ToF)?


What is Time of Flight (ToF)?

A product or service that is exceptional requires an engineering solution of exceptional quality. Image lenses of high quality are used in a variety of industries and fields. All industries require lenses to function optimally, including security, surveillance, medical, and agriculture. ToF provides engineers with the optimal design solutions they need to meet ever-changing industrial needs.

What is Time of Flight (ToF)?

What is Time of Flight (ToF)?

How can engineers select the right equipment when designing a high-quality, powerful lens?

What are the functions of TOF?

ToF is Time-of-Flight. A ToF camera (also known as a 3D-depth lens) is designed to capture an unmatched level of detail and depth. This is also a form of LIDAR lens (light detection, and range). A ToF lens has no scanning capability, while LIDARs have a scanner.

ToF is most commonly used in consumer electronics like drones, smart cameras, sweeping robots, and AR/VR. ToF is used most often in consumer electronics such as drones, smart camera, sweeping robots and AR/VR.

ToF cameras can measure distance accurately by using a light to illuminate an object or a point of focus. The light source in most cases is a laser, or sensor. Sensors can be used to measure distances, volumes, objects, indoor navigation and gesture recognition.

What Industries is a ToF Camera Used For?

ToF lenses are used for a wide range of industrial needs and purposes. We’re starting to see ToF cameras appear in a number of industries, such as:

  • The Surveillance Industry
  • The Automotive Industry
  • The Forensic Industry
  • The Medical Industry
  • Consumer Technology and Electronics
  • Metrology

The success of these industries depends on their technology working optimally to serve the communities that they support. ToF lenses are essential to the success of many industries and their users.

SUPERIOR® Optics is the best choice for your lens assembly needs.

SUPERIOR® Optics can assist engineers, large-scale developers and other professionals with their technology design requirements. We’re happy to help with design, budgeting, planning and assembly. To learn more about the cutting-edge engineering solutions we offer, contact a member of our expert team.

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