
3D Printing And Terahertz Radiation

3D Printing And Terahertz Radiation 3D Printing And Terahertz Radiation 3D Printing And Terahertz Radiation is used for a variety of purposes, including airport security checks or material analysis in laboratories. This radiation has a wavelength that is much larger than visible light wavelengths, being in the millimeter-range. The beams must also be shaped using [...]
Automotive Optics News

Automotive Cameras

Automotive Cameras There are many types of cameras in the automotive industry today. These automotive cameras offer solutions for different problems. Safety comes first, then security. Many vehicles are equipped with front, rear and backup cameras. They also have side, far-view and rear-view cameras. In fact, all vehicles sold and manufactured in the U.S. since [...]
Automotive Optics News

3D Scanning

3D Scanning 3D scanning involves capturing data from the real world and converting it to a 3D version. 3D scanners have been used primarily for industrial purposes until recently. 3D printing, particularly for hobbyists and professionals, is on the rise. The demand for 3D scanners that can turn real objects into 3D printable model is [...]
Automotive Optics News

Photo Eyes – Photoelectric Sensors

Photo Eyes – Photoelectric Sensors In the field of industrial automation, a sensor is a device that detects presence, such as a limit switch, pixel (photoelectric), or laser sensor. Industrial sensors are available in all sizes, shapes and technologies. They are the eyes and ears on factory floors. The application requirements will determine which technology [...]
Automotive Optics News

What is an M12 Lens / S-mount Lens?

M12 Lens M12 Lens (M12 Board lens) is also known as S-Mount Lenses and Micro-Video Lenses. They focus an image on a camera sensor. These lenses are used for a wide range of applications, including automotive, forensics and pharmaceuticals. These S-Mount lenses are compact imaging lens designed to be used with many small-format industrial cameras. [...]
Automotive Optics News

Four Types of Barcode Scanners

Four Types of Barcode Scanners Four Types of Barcode Scanners Barcode scanners can be very simple devices. They read printed barcodes and output them to a computer. It is similar to a flatbed scan, consisting of a source of light, a lens, and a sensor that converts optical signals into electrical signals. Nearly all barcode [...]
Automotive Optics News

Thermal Imaging Can Improve Autonomous Driving

Thermal Imaging Can Improve Autonomous Driving Three major accidents in 2018 have led to a setback for Thermal Imaging Can Improve Autonomous Driving. Thermal imaging, however, can improve autonomous driving. Thermal imaging (also known as infrared) holds great promise in reducing the risk of certain types of accidents. Thermal Imaging Can Improve Autonomous Driving Thermal [...]
Automotive Optics News

Backup Camera System

Backup Camera System Since May 2018, the federal law requires that all new vehicles, including passenger cars, trucks and vans, weighing less 10,000 pounds, be equipped with rearview monitor technology. In most cases, this means rear-mounted cameras. Most backup camera systems have on-screen guides: two parallel lines to help you navigate into or out from [...]
Automotive Optics News

Commercial Vehicle Surveillance System

A commercial vehicle surveillance system is a great way to monitor large commercial vehicles like buses, limousines, and semi-trucks. It allows drivers to see even the most difficult to reach areas. The truck camera system is designed to give both the vehicle owner and driver a full view of the vehicle from different angles. These [...]
Automotive Optics News

Lane Departure Vision Systems

Lane Departure Vision Systems Lane departure warning systems are standard on most vehicles today. They alert drivers when they are about to leave the lane, and remind them to return to it. There are many versions of lane-departure vision systems, including those that steer the car away from the edge and even keep it centered. [...]
Automotive Optics News
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