Laser Robots in Automotive Factories Many manufacturing facilities have become outdated and inefficient. Many companies are retooling. The products have changed, but also the flow in the facility. Flexible manufacturers are needed to meet the production demands. Laser Robots in Automotive Factories Detroit's automotive factories were retooled during WWII to produce armored vehicles and tanks. They also built [...]
Night Vision Use In The Military In the 1930s, German tanks were the first to use night vision. The devices were much more powerful than the naked eyes, but the original versions were heavy and expensive. Night Vision Use In The Military The devices used today are lighter and more versatile. The military uses three different [...]
Photoelectric Sensor Applications Photoelectric sensors have become an important part of the manufacturing industry in recent years. They help the manufacturers detect the presence (or absence) of objects. Photoelectric sensors convert light signals (visible or infrared), into electrical signals. Photoelectric sensors detect objects at a distance using the light from a transmitter. They are therefore an ideal [...]
Hole Inspection With Machine Vision Hole Inspection With Machine Vision Manufacturing industry continues to evolve and advance in terms of technology. In the past, manual labor was the mainstay of the manufacturing industry. Machines did provide some [much-needed] relief to manufacturers. Human intervention was necessary in almost every aspect of the manufacturing process. Other words, [...]
Automotive Industry Automation Automotive Industry Automation The competition in the Automotive Industry Automation is also increasing as the number of cars on the road increases. Each automaker wants to produce more cars. In 2019, nearly 92 millions automobiles were produced globally. With so many automobiles being produced, manufacturing mistakes are more likely. How can an [...]
Advancements in Vision Technology and Lenses In recent years, the automotive industry has experienced tremendous growth. Technological advancements have played a major role in shaping its direction. Driving monitoring has seen a lot of development. It involves using cameras and sensors to monitor driver behavior and the environment. Vision technology and lenses will play a key role [...]
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