1. Lens Size and Type
What is the best lens type and size for your application?
Lenses are used for specific applications. Board mount lenses are used primarily for embedded vision and small devices.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Lens
C or CS mounts, on the other hand, are used primarily in machine and security applications. Bayonet-mount lenses are used for applications that require a large sensor.
2. Lens mount type
Does the lens have the right thread size and/or mount type to fit the lens mount?
The correct lens mount is crucial to the lens’s performance. The C and CS mounts have the same thread and diameter, but a CS mount will not focus a CS-type lens on the sensor if used with a C mount. Above is a smaller type M12 mount.
3. Image circle and sensor sizes
Does an image circle lens cover the image sensor adequately?
The image circle projected from the lens should illuminate the sensor uniformly, from center to edge.
4. Lens Resolution
Is the lens able to provide the resolution you need for the details that you want to capture?
The resolution of a Lens can be measured using charts such as the one below. The lens should be able to capture the smallest details you are trying to resolve. This should be at least two pixels.
5. Field of view and focal length
What focal length do you need to capture the correct FOV from your working distance?
The focal length of your lens must be the appropriate one in order to achieve the desired field of view. A shorter focal length will provide a larger field of view for an image sensor with a certain size.
SUPERIOR® Optics ensures that the 5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Lens, they create for you deliver the accuracy and reliability required for your equipment.
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