Get Precise Data with a Telecentric Lens and Multiple Options with C-Mount CCTVs


Get Precise Data with a Telecentric Lens and Multiple Options with C-Mount CCTVs

Telecentric lenses provide precise measurements and high-resolution images. These lenses also significantly remove perspective distortion, providing an accurate proportion of objects. This results in getting precise pictures of objects, capturing their true shape and size. With a telecentric lens, this proportional accuracy of objects remains consistent regardless of the object’s position. Another advantage of telecentric lenses over traditional lenses is that they allow consistent zoom across the field of view. This means that these lenses can zoom precisely on objects in the field of view, regardless of the distance. Due to these qualities, Telecentric lenses are used in major industries including, automotive, manufacturing, robotics, metrology and machine vision. Different benefits of using these lenses are given below:

Benefits of Using Telecentric Lens


Eliminating Measurement Errors

  • A Telecentric imaging lens eliminates measurement errors by offering consistent magnification regardless of the object’s distance and position. The shape and size of objects do not change according to their position in the FOV when captured from this lens. Therefore, these lenses are popularly used in the automation industry where there is no space for measurement errors.

Removes parallax error

  • Traditional lenses have an angular field of view which leads to parallax error. This parallax error can lead to inaccurate alignments and imprecise measurements. It also reduces the accuracy of the object’s images when its position is changed in the field of view. Telecentric lenses remove parallax error with the non-angular field of vision and maintain a constant field of vision. This ensures an accurate and precise image of objects, regardless of their position in the field of view.


superiorcctvIndustrial Uses of Telecentric Lens–Increased Efficiency and More

There is limited to no use of Telecentric lenses for personal use. However, these lenses are in high demand for various industries. Especially, those industries that require high-precision measurement and accurate imaging. Telecentric lenses eliminate distortion and provide precise measurement which are mandatory in industries like automation, manufacturing and aerospace. Telecentric lenses provide the following benefits to the industrial processes:

Dimensional Measurements

  • Telecentric lenses are used in multiple industries for accurate 2-dimensional measurements. With the help of precise dimensional measurements, the quality and optimisation of a product or process are significantly increased. Also, the accuracy of these measurements is consistent and does not depend on the object’s location in the field of view.

Defect Detection and Quality Control

  • Telecentric lens and their ability to remove parallax errors and capture high-resolution images help in quality control. This in turn is very helpful in detecting errors like missing parts, inaccurate alignment of parts and inspecting PCB errors. The telecentric lens also provides high-resolution images and powerful magnification to capture accurate images. Errors are easily detected with the help of these accurate images.

Precise aligning of Parts

  • The telecentric lens improves the precision of the machine vision system. With the help of constant magnification and distortion-free images, the Telecentric lens significantly improves the accuracy of part alignment. Machine vision systems use telecentric lenses for aligning complex parts with extreme precision.

C-mount lenses

  • Industries use C Mount Telecentric Lens for a wider range of optic features. With a c-mount lens, it is easy to use multiple lenses with the same camera. This is very cost-effective and provides versatility. Because they can change the lens according to their preference and requirements.


superiorcctvTelecentric Lens v/s Traditional Lens–Know Which One to Choose

Telecentric lenses are more advanced and offer extra functionalities over traditional lenses. However, the choice of lens depends on the user’s requirements and what they want to do. There may be cases where traditional lenses can be more beneficial than telecentric lenses. The following points will provide an overview of the different uses of these lenses.

For Industrial Use

Telecentric lenses are primarily used in industries because they provide high-resolution images. Telecentric lenses offer high-level accuracy and precision which is mandatory for industrial use. These lenses are significantly more advanced and powerful. Due to this, they are used in metrology, automotive industries, medical device production, semiconductor manufacturing and more.

For Personal Use

Telecentric lenses are highly specialised lenses made to perform specific tasks. Using these lenses for personal use is neither convenient nor affordable. Also, telecentric lenses are expensive and quite heavy for personal use. This is exactly why, traditional lenses are a much better option for personal use than telecentric lenses.

For Machine Vision Systems

Traditional lenses can be used in machine vision systems to perform simpler tasks. These lenses are more affordable and easy to use. However, as the complexity of tasks increases, these traditional lenses may not perform accurately as required. Telecentric lenses are a better choice for accomplishing more complex tasks. They eliminate parallax errors and provide a distortion-free image.

How to Choose a Good Telecentric Lens

  • Know the Object Size
  • Requirement for Pixels per feature
  • Maximum Field of Vision

C-mount lens for Durability and Cost-effectiveness

C-mount lenses are durable and compatible with a wide range of cameras. They are primarily used for machine vision systems and industrial applications. These lenses are durable and best for working in harsh industrial environments. They also provide versatility as these lenses can be interchanged according to the requirement. The user can opt for lenses with different focal lengths, apertures and field of view as required. Also, changing C-mount lenses is easy and can be done within seconds. The standardised design of these lenses makes them easy to use with multiple cameras without extra adjustments.

Along with industrial use, a C-mount lens is also used in CCTV cameras. A C mount CCTV lens offers great flexibility and multiple benefits for the user. Some of the benefits of using these lenses in CCTV cameras are listed below:

Adjustable field of Vision

A c-mount CCTV camera’s field of vision can be adjusted according to the user’s requirement. For example, in the case of personal property or indoor use, the required field of vision is less. But, for commercial properties like warehouses and stores, the user might need a larger field of vision. Both of these needs can be satisfied by choosing a suitable c-mount lens for the CCTV camera.


C-mount lenses are also considered to be more affordable than other industrial lenses. Also, multiple lenses can be used with a single standard camera.


C-mount lenses are designed to deal with harsh industrial environments. This is why they are more durable than other lenses. This makes these c-mount lenses ideal for security purposes for private and commercial property.

SuperiorCCTV–Trusted Name for High-Quality Telecentric Lenses

Choosing a high-quality telecentric lens is very important. Accurate and precise telecentric lenses can significantly improve the overall efficiency of industrial processes. High-quality telecentric lenses also offer precise quality control and error detection. A good quality telecentric lens will perform accurate measurements and provide high-resolution images.

Professionals at SuperiorCCTV are well aware of the significance of high-quality telecentric lenses. Therefore, we offer best-in-class lenses that meet all the global industry standards. We have been in this industry for many years and have developed around 1500 optical solutions. With these years of experience, we have gained the trust of our customers by providing them with optimum optical solutions.


Telecentric lenses are used in industries where high precision and accurate measurements are required. They achieve this high precision by eliminating perception and parallax errors. Telecentric lenses are better than traditional lenses in many aspects. As with conventional lenses, size measurement accuracy is reduced because of the angular field of vision. On the other hand, telecentric lenses offer constant magnification of objects irrespective of their position.

Telecentric lenses are also available as c-mount lenses. These c-mount lenses have a standardised design. Multiple lenses can be used interchangeably with a single camera by using adapters to fit the lenses. The user can choose the lens according to the required focal length, aperture and field of vision.

Telecentric lenses are expensive and complex to work with as they are designed for specialised tasks. Before purchasing these lenses, make sure that they comply with the global standard qualities. For any queries regarding the use and installation of telecentric lenses contact SuperiorCCTV for optimal solution.

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Telecentric lenses
About sp
SupriorCCTV is a trusted name for best-in-class optical solutions and offers the best-quality lenses. In addition to this, we also provide free consultancy about lenses. Contact Us 1213, RED STAR BUILDING 2, NO.200 PUSHANG ROAD, CANGSHAN DISTRICT, FUZHOU, FUJIAN, CHINA
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