Precision Lenses For Video Conferencing


Precision Lenses For Video Conferencing

Precision Lenses For Video Conferencing

Precision Lenses For Video Conferencing

Precision Lenses For Video Conferencing

Video conferencing with precision lenses is becoming more popular in the workplace. However, sometimes the space available for a conference can be limited. It can be difficult to squeeze multiple people into a small room and get them to all look good on video.

Video-conferencing cameras require precision lenses with high image quality and a wide field of view (45deg – 70deg), with minimal distortion. A lens with a low f-stop will allow you to achieve high frame rates when the light is low.

We have extensive experience in the development and precision lenses for video conferencing’s systems. We offer lenses that incorporate advanced optical technology, high-index materials, and aspherical components in various imager size.

With the different styles and choices of precision lenses for video conferencing available, you want to ensure you have the correct lens. Some styles include:

  • All in one conferencing cameras
  • Wide-Angle video conference systems
  • Wide-Angle wall mounted systems
  • Live streaming broadcast systems

Precision lenses for video conferencingcan benefit from our standard and customized megapixel lenses. Standard lens assemblies come in a variety of formats, including 2/3”-1/4″ and focal lengths. Pinhole CCDs are also available for wide-angle viewing. We also have C-mounts and other accessories in stock, such as mounts, to help you integrate the lenses into your system. Special coatings, custom apertures and packaging, as well as anti-vibration techniques, are all examples of value-added service.

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Video Conference Lens News
About sp
SupriorCCTV is a trusted name for best-in-class optical solutions and offers the best-quality lenses. In addition to this, we also provide free consultancy about lenses. Contact Us 1213, RED STAR BUILDING 2, NO.200 PUSHANG ROAD, CANGSHAN DISTRICT, FUZHOU, FUJIAN, CHINA

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