Smart Perception And Hyperspectral Imaging

hyperspectral imaging
Intelligent robotics has the ability to fundamentally change society. Both from an industrial and a social perspective. Smart perception is the key concept driving this evolution towards intelligent robotics. We could soon see cameras that are micro-sized observing every angle, depth or mode in any situation, and reporting back all the relevant information. Imagine a surgeon’s table enhanced by the real-time visualisation of critical tissue images during surgery. With the advent of hyperspectral imaging technology, a car could be able to navigate traffic with a better understanding of the surroundings.
Like other forms of spectral photography, hyperspectral imaging collects and processes data from the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Hyperspectral imaging aims to determine the spectrum of each pixel of an image, in order to detect processes, identify materials or find objects.
A new innovation in hyperspectral image combines the high-resolution of a linescan camera with the capabilities and speed of a snapshot. This brings’smart perceptual’ to robotics.
This technology will allow for the acquisition and processing of full hyperspectral imagery in just seconds. This opens up a wide range of possibilities, particularly in the medical field and life sciences.
By choosing UKA to design, manufacture and install a precision optic for equipment that uses hyperspectral imaging, you can be assured that our professional team will see your project to completion.
It is a big step forward to equip machines and robots that can perceive intelligently. Smart cameras can be used to integrate multiple viewing and sensing modes into one system. These cameras can scan and recognize surfaces using radar technology, analyze materials with hyperspectral views, or look beneath the surface of a component in x-ray. They also have the on-board intelligence necessary to collect and combine the data streams needed by applications.
Currently, a doctor can only rely upon still images of scans from x-rays or MRI/CT scan films, and on live RGB camera footage. The newer technology is within their reach and they will soon have live visual data that includes spectral and ultrasonic data in real-time and the ability to zoom down into microscopic details.
This evolution will be based on hyperspectral cameras. They divide the light reflected from an object into a number of spectral bands which they then capture and process individually. Each pixel of a scene is given a full spectral signature. This allows for much more detail to be captured than can be obtained by standard RGB imaging.
SUPERIOR® Optics’s manufactures and designs optical lenses for high-tech, electronic, and security applications. We have 1000’s standard lens assemblies in stock and can design a custom solution for scanners and CCTV systems.
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