Can I increase the DOF by changing the focal length, if FOV and brightness are constant?
Per Definition DOF := Far Point – Near Point. The formulas for these are really complicated and contain several times the focal length.
Per Definition DOF := Far Point – Near Point. The formulas for these are really complicated and contain several times the focal length.
FEATURE C-MOUNT S-MOUNT (M12X0.5) Standardization + – Thread 1″ 32 TPI M12x0.5 Size o ++ manual iris + generally not IR-Cut filter in camera in general possible in the lens Special filters front filters by thread in general in the lens Sensors 1/10″ … 4/3″ 1/4″ 1/3″ (most used) 1/1.8″ (2/3″ and 1″ very rare) Price o […]
To focus on shorter distances, s-mount lenses have to be “unscrewed” . On first glance this seems to be very different from larger Lenses like C- or CS-mount Lenses, that provide a focus ring. If the focusing ring is turned however also in larger lenses the position of a lens package from the sensor is increased. (There are a […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed diam sapien. Sed semper urna dictum tellus lacinia vehicula. Ut volutpat, augue vel auctor tincidunt, ligula sem pharetra dui, nec tincidunt ante mauris eu diam. Phasellus viverra nisl vitae cursus euismod. Suspendisse sit amet est lectus.
If we want to replace c-mount lenses by s-mount lenses it begs the question … Can s-mount Lenses replace c-mount lenses in general? Of course lenses should be of similar quality … Can s-mount Lenses be as good as c-mount Lenses? To answer this question, we should define what’s “good”. At least we should get an idea about …
We describe here the (yes, complicated) relationships between : Focal Length F-Number (=F#) Entrance Pupil Exit Pupil Viewing Angle Chief Ray Angle Image Circle Object side and image side principal planes
Resolution What is it in general? Resolution describes in general the ability of a “system” to provide “details”. Systems can be anything, a thermometer , a speedometer in a car, a TV screen, a printer, … and last but not least cameras and lenses.
Some centuries ago, people noticed with some surprise, that in a dark room sometimes an (upside down) image of the environment is projected across a small opening in a wall. The old latin word for room (chamber) is camera. That’s why the first cameras got the name “camera obscura” ( = “dark chamber”). One of […]