Laser Technology Advancements


Laser Technology Advancements

Laser Technology Advancements

Laser Technology Advancements

Laser Technology Advancements

Imagine being able to accurately predict the climate of Earth or evacuating people in the event of a hurricane. Imagine a future where medical advances will retire the scalpel from the hospital. Even in precision-manufacturing, laser technology advancements can potentially bring consumer costs down because of its efficiency.

Lasers were invented in the first two decades after the turn of the century. Albert Einstein discovered the quantum theory of photons and light (in 1905) as well as the mechanism of stimulated emissions (in 1917), which are the two main components of laser science.

Four decades passed before the first laser was practical. In 1958, the theory was developed and in 1960, the first laser was built. Lasers were then a cutting-edge technology. James Bond almost got sliced in half by the laser beam of Goldfinger. Lasers were used only for theatrics. No one else knew what they could be used for. They were called “a solution in search of a problem.”

Lasers are everywhere today, in our homes, offices, stores (barcode scanners), and even in our CD/DVD players and laser printers. Lasers are used to cut our clothes and send and receive email over the Internet. We all use lasers every day, whether we know it or not. But how many of you really understand how they work or what they are?

Simple physics can help explain how laser technology functions. The difference between laser light and ordinary light is similar to the difference between ripples on the water in the bath and the waves of the ocean. The ‘waves,’ which are created by the movement of the water in the bathtub, get larger and bigger the faster it is done. The waves would be the size of tidal wave if the same motion could be repeated in the ocean. Laser technology is similar. Light waves begin with a weak light, and then add more energy to make the light more intense.

UKA designs precision lenses for lasers of all types. These lenses are designed to fit into various instruments in the medical, manufacturing, military, and aerospace fields.

Lasers are used by doctors to treat their patients. Lasers are used for everything, from destroying cancerous tumors to cauterizing blood vessel. They can also be used to fix vision problems (laser eye surgery, fixing detached eyes, and cataract treatment).

Military has been using this technology for a long time, mostly in laser-guided missiles and weapons.

Laser Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds since this post from 1964: According to The New York Times, “a laser beam can, for example carry all radio and TV programs in the entire world, plus several hundred thousands telephone calls at the same time.”

SUPERIOR® Optics’s manufactures and designs optical lenses for laser applications, security, high-tech and electronic applications. We have 1000’s standard lens assemblies in stock and can design a custom solution for scanners and CCTV.

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