Optical Metrology Overview

The use of light as a standard for measurement is known as optical metrology. It can also be described as the science that deals with measuring light. This definition could encompass measurements that are centered on the properties and characteristics of light or measurements that utilize light to determine the properties (such as temperatures, dimensions or distances) of other objects.

SUPERIOR® Optics has state-of-the art optical metrology equipment that allows it to produce and test precision optical systems and components. Our customers’ requirements and MIL/SPEC are used to inspect and qualify all parts produced. All parts are accompanied by inspection reports, material certifications and coating curves if applicable.

We have advanced metrology equipment in-house that allows us to test parts for compliance with international measurement standards. This covers almost all stages of the optical production process.

Our commitment to our customers begins with the purchase of raw materials. All orders are monitored and controlled in accordance with ISO: 9001 standards – from the incoming inspections of purchased materials up to the final step in production.

Benefits of Optical Metrology

The potential for optical metrology to be very precise is enormous. Its only limitation comes from quantum noise and laser noise, which could block detection. In general, optical metrology is quick and easy to use, which makes it ideal for measurements in process. The optical measurements are non-destructive because they do not require contact or touch. This method is ideal for even the most delicate items or components. It is an important part of our quality control.

Optical Metrology in Action

1. Measuring with Lasers

This subfield in dimensional metrology allows for extremely accurate and fast measurements, even of very large measurement ranges. Different methods are used depending on the size and the requirements of the measurement. The methods used include triangulation methods, time of flight methods, interferometry, and phase shift methods.

A short laser pulse can be sent and the time taken for a part of it to reflect is measured. The distance is calculated by dividing the half of the round-trip distance by the light velocity. This method is used to measure long distances. Its accuracy is limited by the accuracy of recording time. Every 1 ns error leads to an inaccuracy of 15 cm.

2. Optical Clocks

The optical clocks use ultra-precise measurements to determine the optical frequencies. They are more accurate and stable than atomic clocks, which are the current standard for measuring time. They are even used to calibrate atomic clocks that drift. The oscillations are multi-TH, unlike cesium atomic timers that rely on the transition at 9192631770Hz. The optical clocks can outperform atomic clocks with a large margin, often multiple orders of magnitude.

3. Optical Temperature Sensors

Optical temperature sensors typically use fiber optics to measure the temperature of an object or environment. These sensors are used widely in the industry for both routine measurements and disaster prevention. They can be used, for example, to prevent uncontrolled fire. These sensors are advantageous because they do not use cables, are resistant to electromagnetic interference and can be used in a range of temperatures.

4. Optical Profilometers

A surface profile is measured by an optical profilometer using light. These instruments do not require contact and are more accurate than conventional profilers, such as a microscope. High resolution optical profileometers are used to inspect the surface of optical components like prisms and glass flats. They also form a key part of our toolkit when it comes to surface analysis and quality assurance. These tools are used for semiconductor chip inspection and the production of certain mechanical parts that require a high-quality surface finish. Interferometers are optical profilometers. They also include confocal scanner microscopes and digital holographic microscopy.

Optical Metrology Capabilities

At SUPERIOR® Optics, we believe in quantitative science. Since its founding in 2010, Hyperion has continued to invest in metrology capabilities. Our QC department is equipped to inspect almost every precision optical specification. From optical component to complex lens assemblies, SUPERIOR® Optics employs quantitative measuring devices along every step of production to monitor and safeguard quality.

100% Inspection = Guaranteed satisfaction

Every product will be accompanied by a detailed inspection report signed off and approved by our QA Managers. Inspection reports include standard information such as ZYGO interferometry, actual coating curves, and dimension measurements. Each print specification is tested 100% before shipping to ensure that the product you receive meets or exceeds your expectations. Interested to see what’s included in our standard QA Report?

In-House Metrology

SUPERIOR® Optics provides a comprehensive range of metrology capabilities as part of the standard QA process. On request, customized testing can be performed, including material index testing, dispersion tests, thermal tests, and other application based testing. Our QA engineers can create a customized inspection plan to meet your specific application needs.

1. ZYGO Verifire Interferometer

The latest ZYGO Verifire Interferometry System offers an enhanced accuracy in optical surface measurements.

  • Mx™ metrology software with measurement accuracy of 1/20waves
  • Dynamic, contactless measurements of surface flatness
  • QPSI™ Vibration-Tolerant Interferometry
  • SmartAveraging® Technology

2. Nicolet iS 20 FTIR Spectrometer

The Thermo Scientific™ Spectrometer offers unparalleled analytical accuracy for FTIR spectroscopy, enabling us to verify the materials can meet your application needs before production begins.

  • Accurately detect transmission, reflection/ absorption at high spectral resolution (0.25 cm-1) and single-to-noise ratios (50,000:1)
  • Consistent spectral data
  • OMNIC Specta software, including a library of >9,000 chemical spectra

3. Mitutoyo Profiler Roundtracer

  • Aspheric contour/ profile measurement
  • SAG value and tolerance verification
  • Fit distance & Angle
  • Optical axis inclination

4. Zeiss® CMM Coordinate Measuring Station

  • Precise Coordinates measurements
  • High-speed scanning with outstanding accuracy and precision
  • True position
  • Circularity/ Cylindricity

5. Trioptics ImageMaster® HR MTF Station

  • Capability to test NUV/VIS/NIR spectrum
  • Ultra-wide field angle of ± 110°
  • Max. image height of ±23 mm
  • Collimator range:50mm~500mm
  • EFL range of the sample: 1mm~150mm
  • Spatial frequency: 500 lp/mm, 1,000 lp/mm
  • Accuracy(MTF on-axis and off-axis) ±0.02 MTF

6. Trioptics Centering Station

  • Generate optimal centration to each lens build
  • Precise wedge measurement
  • EFL measurement +/-0.5%

6. Mechanical Measurement

SUPERIOR® Optics employs a range of mechanical inspection tools such as dial gauge, vernier calipers, micrometer to accurately verify dimensional measurements of our optics. We can test dimensions between 0-300mm to an accuracy of +/-3μm. All the devices are calibrated in accordance with ISO: 9001:2015 and Chinese GB standard.

SUPERIOR® Optics’s QA engineering team goes above and beyond to proactively calculate every lens focal length to verify the product before shipment during final QA process. Each lens’ focal length will be recorded on the inspection report.

Please reach out if you have further questions about our metrology capabilities or want to customize a QA process based on your application, our engineers would be happy to help.

Related Optical Design
Key Details

Project Date: 24.02.2015

Project Budget: 10.000 USD

Technologies: PHP, HTML, CSS, JS



CMM Coordinate Measuring

CMM Coordinate Measuring

Zygo Interferometer

Zygo Interferometer



MTF Testing Station

MTF Testing Station

Centering Station

Centering Station

At SUPERIOR® Optics, as A Serious Matter in Optical Metrology

Our optical engineers are aware of the need to create products that can be produced cost-effectively and meet or exceed your requirements. We are looking forward to working with you to create an optical design feasibility, and provide estimates for volume and prototype production.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some optical considerations for camera module design?

f-number, object distance, fixed focus/autofocus, field of view (FOV), operating wavelength band, frequency range, MTF, scene dynamic range, distortion, chief ray angle (CRA), stray light requirements, and centration tolerances.

2. What are the advantages of vertical integration (VI) and design for manufacturability (DFM) in camera module manufacturing?

In camera module manufacturing, VI and DFM offer advantages such as intricate manufacturing (for complexly interrelating parts), rapid prototyping, scalability, and, most importantly, a path to continually reduced size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C).

3. What are the components of the optical assembly in camera module manufacturing?

Axial alignment, precise optical pathway placement, centration, electro-optics integration, optical bonding, and sonic welding techniques

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