Types Of Surveillance Cameras


Types Of Surveillance Cameras

Types Of Surveillance Cameras

Types Of Surveillance Cameras

Types Of Surveillance Cameras

There are security cameras everywhere. There are security cameras everywhere. They can be found at the entrances of shopping centers, parking lots, businesses, homes and private residences. There are many different types of security cameras available to government agencies, businesses and private homeowners.

Security system providers now offer full-color video in full-motion, high-resolution images as a standard. These cameras can be used indoors or outdoors, under well-lit conditions or for night vision. Remote monitoring can now be done via smartphone, tablet or computer.

Motion Detector Cameras

Motion detector cameras are a combination of a motion sensor and a camera. They wait for movement before transmitting or recording. It not only saves DVR space but adds another level of security by alerting the user when suspicious activity is detected.

Cameras with a Security System

The video surveillance equation is not just about security cameras. As a system provider, you have the option to offer a variety of devices which give customers flexibility in viewing and recording. If more than one security camera is connected to a system it is possible to switch between the feeds or use a splitter to view several feeds at once.

Indoor Cameras

Most security and surveillance cameras offer a larger field of view compared to standard cameras. However, the “dome” cameras offered by top providers go one step further. A single camera can cover an entire area with 360-degree coverage. A “fixed lens” allows you to permanently focus on a specific area. This is ideal for capturing the best possible video of places that are important.

Outdoor Cameras

Outdoor cameras are more durable, weather-resistant and have components that can accommodate all outdoor lighting conditions. They also capture a wider view of the exterior. Indoor surveillance cameras offer many features, including wireless connectivity, Infrared, remote pan and tilt, and motion detection. This allows you to protect your home and your immediate surroundings.

The objective of any surveillance or security camera is to provide a clear, crisp image. At SUPERIOR® Optics, we offer highly accurate precision lenses that are designed to your desired specifications for use in surveillance cameras.

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